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Showing posts with the label seo search engine optimization digital marketing SEO dubai

What is Search Engine Optimization

Search engine optimization (SEO) is the practice of creating and optimizing relevant, authoritative content in a way that helps visitors (and search engine crawlers) find answers to their key questions. The goal of performing SEO on any given webpage is to improve the quality of your content, so search engines will choose to list your content within search results. This will increase the quantity of traffic that your web content receives from search engines each day.  What Does Optimization Mean? We all know that web content is for people. If you serve great content to your customers and they are happy, you will do well. At the same time, there are additional things you can do to optimize your content for search engines. Each search engine vendor prioritizes different characteristics of websites and web content , but by using top SEO tips—including following best practices for writing for the web, identifying and using keyword phrases strategically, and setting up your website's t...